Membership Benefits
Below is our form for joining the Reno Rose Society. We apologize for not having a web format to accept your payment at this time. As we grow, we plan to add this feature.
Reno Rose Society Membership Form
Name: (Mr, Mrs, Ms) _______________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________
City: ______________ State: _____ Zip:___________
Telephone: _________________ Cell: _____________________
Email Address: ________________________________________
Newsletter is emailed via Adobe PDF
$30.00 per individual, $35.00 per Household $ _____________
TOTAL $_____________
Are you currently an ARS member? yes: ______ no: ___________
Please complete and mail your form to:
Reno Rose Society
c/o Treasurer
4250 Longknife Rd
Reno, NV 89519